
Goddess of youth and rejuvenation
ParentsJupiter and Juno
SiblingsMars, Vulcan, Bellona, Discordia, Lucina, Hercules
Greek equivalentHebe

Juventas, also known as Iuventus or Juventus (Greek equivalent: Hebe), was the ancient Roman goddess whose sphere of tutelage was youth and rejuvenation.[1] She was especially the goddess of young men "new to wearing the toga" (dea novorum togatorum)—that is, those who had just come of age.[2][3][4]

Several voluntary associations (collegia) were formed for Juventas in the Italian municipalities, as attested by inscriptions.[5]

  1. ^ Fears (1981), p. 857.
  2. ^ Tertullian, Ad nationes 2.11
  3. ^ Augustine of Hippo, De civitate Dei 4.11
  4. ^ Fears (1981), p. 858.
  5. ^ Madigan (2013), p. 99.