
The Kabars (Greek: Κάβαροι), also known as Qavars (Qabars)[1] or Khavars[2] were Khazar rebels who joined Magyar tribes and the Rus' Khaganate confederations in the 9th century CE.

  1. ^ The Qavars (Qabars) and their Role in the Hungarian Tribal Federation by Sándor László Tóth
  2. ^ According to the Turcologist András Róna-Tas, the name Kabar is faulty, the right pronunciation is Khavar. Róna-Tas, András (1996a): A honfoglaló magyar nép. Bevezetés a korai magyar történelem ismeretébe [The conquering Hungarian nation. Introduction to the knowledge of the early Hungarian history]. Budapest: Balassi Kiadó, p. 273