Kararname (League of Prizren)

Group photo of some of the delegates
Prizren Committee for National Defence
  • Kararname of Prizren Committee for National Defence
Enacted byPrizren Committee for National Defence
EnactedJune 18, 1878
Related legislation
Ottoman Empire
announcement that the people from the "northern Albania, Epirus and Bosnia" are willing to defend the "territorial integrity" of the Ottoman Empire "by all possible means" from the troops of the Bulgaria, Serbia and Montenegro

The Kararname ("Decree") of Prizren Committee for National Defence is the name of the decree (the Book of Decisions[1]) signed by 47 Muslim deputies from the districts of Prizren, Yakova (present-day Gjakova), Ipek (present-day Peć), Gucia, Yeni Pazar (present-day Novi Pazar), Sjenica, Pljevlja, Mitrovica, Vučitrn, Pristina, Gnjilane, Skopje, Kalkandelen (present-day Tetovo), Kičevo, Gostivar, and Lower Dibra (present-day Peshkopi) and Upper Dibra (present-day Debar) on June 18, 1878.[2] The original text, written on Ottoman Turkish, is missing.[3] Around 300 Muslims participated on the assembly, including delegates from Bosnia and mutasarrif (sanjakbey) of the Sanjak of Prizren as representative of the Ottoman authorities.

  1. ^ Bataković, Dušan T. (1992), "Entering the sphere of European interest", The Kosovo Chronicles, Belgrade, Serbia: Knižara Plato, ISBN 978-86-447-0006-7, archived from the original on September 6, 2010, retrieved February 21, 2011, called Kararname (Book of Decisions)
  2. ^ Text of Kararname, translated from German, French and Albanian by Robert Elsie Archived 2010-06-17 at the Wayback Machine
  3. ^ 1878 - The Resolutions of the League of Prizren, published on the website of Robert Elsie