Karmapa controversy

There are currently two, separately enthroned 17th Gyalwang Karmapas: Ogyen Trinley Dorje and Trinley Thaye Dorje. The Karmapa is the spiritual leader of the nine-hundred-year-old Karma Kagyu lineage of the Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism.

Divisiveness started in the early and mid 1990s, with semi-public accusations of impropriety from those closely involved, and continued for several years thereafter.[1][2][3] The recognition of the 17th Karmapa created a split within the Karma Kagyu lineage. Tai Situ Rinpoche recognized Ogyen Trinley Dorje as the 17th Karmapa, and Shamar Rinpoche disagreed and chose Trinley Thaye Dorje as the rightful claimant to the title of the 17th Karmapa.[4] As the years passed, separate sets of organizations and highly recognized lamas, or teachers, supported one Karmapa or the other.[5] Despite an intriguing history, the high lamas involved met on good terms and issued statements that they are confident there will be an amicable solution.[4]

In 2018, Ogyen Trinley Dorje and Trinley Thaye Dorje met for the first time to begin creating a personal relationship with one another, and to encourage their spiritual communities to heal the divisions and join in efforts to help preserve the Karma Kagyu tradition.[6][7] In 2020, Ogyen Trinley Dorje and Trinley Thaye Dorje jointly announced they would work together to find the next incarnation of the Shamar Rinpoche, historically considered second in importance to the Karma Kagyu lineage after the Gyalwang Karmapa,[8] similar to the Panchen Lama's role as second in importance in the Gelugpa school after the Dalai Lama.[9][10]

On December 4, 2023 Thaye Dorje and Ogyen Trinley Dorje wrote a statement, that they would recognize the 15th Shamar Rinpoche together, as well as oversee his education, empowerments and instructions. The two Karmapas asked all students of the Karma Kagyu to regret their past actions, and have the firm resolve to never split into factions again.[11][12]