Kenneth Buxton

Kenneth Buxton was a prominent leader in the medical missionary world working in the mid-20th century in Africa. Buxton was born July 19, 1909, in Hertfordshire, England, and died November 1, 2001, in Wallingford, Oxfordshire.[1]

He started a medical school in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. He eventually was evacuated from Ethiopia because of the Italian Invasion by Mussolini and returned to England. However, he returned to Burundi in 1938 which was then part of Ruanda-Urundi administered by Belgium through a League of Nations mandate. With very minimal resources and external funding, he built a hospital at Ibuye for the Ruanda Mission, simultaneously in charge of the surgery and medical procedures while also training nurses and other doctors. In 1954, he returned to England to work and Medical Superintendent for Mildmay Mission Hospital.[2]

  1. ^ "Ancestry Library".
  2. ^ "Buxton, Kenneth Leonard (1909 - 2001)". Retrieved 2020-11-08.