Khentrul Lodro Thaye Rinpoche

Khentrul Lodrö Thayé Rinpoche (Khentrul Rinpoche) is a Tibetan Buddhist lama of the Nyingma school. He is the abbot of Mardo Tashi Choling in Eastern Tibet, where he established a retreat center and shedra, a formal Buddhist monastic college, under the direct guidance of his teacher, Khenchen Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche. He directs the education and spiritual practice of three hundred monks, seventy advanced-degree candidates, sixty children, and twenty full-time retreatants.

Khentrul Rinpoche obtained Khenpo degrees directly from Khenchen Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche at Larung Gar, from Katog Moktsa Rinpoche at Katog Monastery and from Kyabje Penor Rinpoche at Namdroling. Nowadays, Khentrul Rinpoche is primarily based in the U.S. where he has established Katog Rithrod Mountain Retreat Center in the Ozark Mountains of northwest Arkansas, as well as dozens of branch centers in different states which he travels to teach at on a yearly basis.

He founded a non-profit organization, Katog Choling, in 2004.