
Ribonuclease A ribbons, from a kinemage displayed in Mage: β-strands are green, helices gold, and active-site His sidechains blue.

A kinemage (short for kinetic image) is an interactive graphic scientific illustration. It often is used to visualize molecules, especially proteins although it can also represent other types of 3-dimensional data (such as geometric figures, social networks,[1] or tetrahedra of RNA base composition). The kinemage system is designed to optimize ease of use, interactive performance, and the perception and communication of detailed 3D information. The kinemage information is stored in a text file, human- and machine-readable, that describes the hierarchy of display objects and their properties, and includes optional explanatory text. The kinemage format is a defined chemical MIME type of 'chemical/x-kinemage' with the file extension '.kin'.

  1. ^ Freeman, L. C.; hierarchy; et al. (1998). "Exploring social structure using dynamic three-dimensional color images" (PDF). Social Networks. 20 (2): 109–118. doi:10.1016/S0378-8733(97)00016-6.