Kloosterman sum

In mathematics, a Kloosterman sum is a particular kind of exponential sum. They are named for the Dutch mathematician Hendrik Kloosterman, who introduced them in 1926[1] when he adapted the Hardy–Littlewood circle method to tackle a problem involving positive definite diagonal quadratic forms in four variables, strengthening his 1924 dissertation research on five or more variables.[2]

Let a, b, m be natural numbers. Then

Here x* is the inverse of x modulo m.

  1. ^ Kloosterman, H. D. On the representation of numbers in the form ax2 + by2 + cz2 + dt2, Acta Mathematica 49 (1926), pp. 407–464
  2. ^ Kloosterman, H. D. Over het splitsen van geheele positieve getallen in een some van kwadraten, Thesis (1924) Universiteit Leiden