Knowledge broker

A knowledge broker is an intermediary (an organization or a person), that aims to develop relationships and networks with, among, and between producers and users of knowledge by providing linkages, knowledge sources, and in some cases knowledge itself, (e.g. technical know-how, market insights, research evidence) to organizations in its network.

While the exact role and function of knowledge brokers are conceptualized and operationalized differently in various sectors and settings, a key feature appears to be the facilitation of knowledge exchange or sharing between and among various stakeholders, including researchers, practitioners, and policy makers.

A knowledge broker may operate in multiple markets and technology domains. [1] The concept of knowledge brokers is closely related to the concept of knowledge spillovers.

In the fields of public health, applied health services research, and social sciences, knowledge brokers are often referred to as bridges or intermediaries[2][3][4][5] that link producers of research evidence to users of research evidence as a means of facilitating collaboration to identify issues, solve problems,[6] and promote evidence-informed decision making (EIDM), which is the process of critically appraising and incorporating the best available research evidence, along with evidence from multiple other sources into policy and practice decisions.[7][8][9][10][11] [12][13][excessive citations]

Using a knowledge broker to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and the adoption of insights is one strategy in the broader field of Knowledge Management.

  1. ^ Hargadon, Andrew B. (1998), "Firms as Knowledge Brokers: Lessons in Pursuing Continuous Innovation", California Management Review, 40 (3): 209–227, doi:10.2307/41165951, JSTOR 41165951, S2CID 154739310
  2. ^ Jonathan Lomas (January 2007). "The in-between world of knowledge brokering". BMJ (Clinical Research Ed.). 334 (7585): 129–132. doi:10.1136/bmj.39038.593380.AE. PMC 1779881. PMID 17235094.
  3. ^ Verona, G.; Prandelli, E.; Sawhney, M. (2006), "Innovation and virtual environments: Towards virtual knowledge brokers", Organization Studies, 27 (6): 765–788, doi:10.1177/0170840606061073, S2CID 59947630
  4. ^ John N. Lavis (Winter 2006). "Research, public policymaking, and knowledge-translation processes: Canadian efforts to build bridges". The Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions. 26 (1): 37–45. doi:10.1002/chp.49. PMID 16557509. S2CID 42527734.
  5. ^ Lyons, R.; Warner, G; Langille, L; Phillips, SJ (2006). "Piloting knowledge brokers to promote integrated stroke vare in Atlantic Canada.". Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Institute for Population and Public Health, editor. Moving population and public health knowledge into action: A casebook of knowledge translation stories. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Institute for Population and Public Health.
  6. ^ A. Kitson, G. Harvey & B. McCormack (September 1998). "Enabling the implementation of evidence based practice: a conceptual framework". Quality in Health Care. 7 (3): 149–158. doi:10.1136/qshc.7.3.149. PMC 2483604. PMID 10185141.
  7. ^ Robeson, Paula; M. Dobbins; K. Decorby (2008). "Life as a knowledge broker in public health". Journal of the Canadian Health Libraries Association. 29 (3): 78–82. doi:10.5596/c08-025.
  8. ^ R. C. Brownson, J. G. Gurney & G. H. Land (September 1999). "Evidence-based decision making in public health". Journal of Public Health Management and Practice. 5 (5): 86–97. doi:10.1097/00124784-199909000-00012. PMID 10558389.
  9. ^ Canadian Health Services Research Foundation (2003). The theory and practice of knowledge brokering in Canada's health systemThe theory and practice of knowledge brokering in Canada's health system. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Health Services Research Foundation.
  10. ^ Canadian Health Services Research Foundation (2004). Knowledge brokering demonstration site competition. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Health Services Research Foundation.
  11. ^ Jessika van Kammen, Don de Savigny & Nelson Sewankambo (August 2006). "Using knowledge brokering to promote evidence-based policy-making: The need for support structures". Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 84 (8): 608–612. doi:10.2471/blt.05.028308. PMC 2627440. PMID 16917647.
  12. ^ Hartwich, F; von Oppen, M (2000). "Knowledge brokers in agricultural research and extension". In Graef, F.; Lawrence, P.; von Oppen, M. (eds.). Adapted Farming in West Africa: Issues, Potentials, and Perspectives. Stuttgart, Germany: Verlag Ulrich E. Grauer. pp. 445–453.
  13. ^ Jackson-Bowers, E.M.; Kalucy, E.C.; McIntyre, E.L. (2006). Focus on...Knowledge brokering. Adelaide, AU: Primary Health Care Research and Information Service.