
Brigade commander
командир бригады
Coat-collar insignia
Country Soviet Union
Service branchRed Army
Next higher rankKomdiv
Next lower rankColonel
Equivalent ranksCaptain 1st rank

Kombrig (Russian: комбриг) is an abbreviation of Commanding officer of the brigade (Russian: командир бригады, romanizedkomandir brigady, lit.'brigade commander'), and was a military rank in the Soviet Armed Forces of the USSR from 1935 to 1940. It was also the designation to military personnel appointed to command a brigade sized formation (X).

Until 1940 it was the fourth highest military rank of the Red Army. It was equivalent to Brigade commissar (Russian: бригадный комиссар, romanizedbrigadny komissar) of the political staff in all military branches, Kapitan 1st rank (Russian: капита́н 1-го ранга, romanizedkapitan 1-go ranga) in the Soviet navy, or to Major of state security (Russian: майор государственной безопасности, romanizedmayor gosudarstvennoy bezolosnosti). With the reintroduction of regular general ranks, the designation Kombrig was abolished, and replaced by Major general (OF-6).