Korherr Report

Korherr Report
Korherr Report, signed January 1943, page 9.
4. Deported to the Russian east:
1,449,692 Jews
Processed at the camps of the General Government:
1,274,166 Jews
Processed in Warthegau:
145,301 Jews
Date(as of) December 31, 1942

The Korherr Report is a 16-page document on the progress of the Holocaust in German-controlled Europe. It was delivered to Heinrich Himmler on March 23, 1943, by the chief inspector of the statistical bureau of the SS and professional statistician Dr Richard Korherr under the title die Endlösung der Judenfrage, in English the Final Solution to the Jewish Question.[1] Commissioned by Himmler, Korherr calculated that, from 1937 to December 1942, the number of Jews in Europe had fallen by 4 million. Between October 1939 and December 31, 1942 (see, page 9 of the Report), 1,274,166 Jews had been "processed" at the camps of the General Government (Occupied Poland) and 145,301 at the camps in Warthegau (location of Kulmhof).

The decrease of Soviet Russian Jews from the territories overrun in Operation Barbarossa was not included due to lack of statistical data. The summaries came from the RSHA office receiving all SS reports about the so-called "already evacuated" Jews. Their "special treatment" was removed from the document on the request of Himmler who intended to share it with Hitler, and replaced by Korherr with "processed".[2]

  1. ^ Richard Korherr, DIE ENDLÖSUNG DER EUROPÄISCHEN JUDENFRAGE, Der Inspekteur für Statistik beim Reichsführer SS, Berlin, 1943. NS-Archiv.de in German.
  2. ^ Chris Webb (2009). "The Richard Korherr Report". Holocaust Research Project.org. Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team. Retrieved 16 March 2014.