Korwin-Szymanowski family

The Korwin-Szymanowski family (Polish plural: Korwin-Szymanowscy, feminine singular: Korwin-Szymanowska) are Polish nobles who probably took their surname from the village of Szymany near Szczuczyn, in the Masovia region of Poland in the Late Middle Ages. From the 16th-century onwards they were landowners and office holders in Masovia. In the 18th century during the Partitions of Poland, the family adopted the prefix "Korwin" to distinguish their lineage from other families bearing the same name. At the tail end of the 1790s a branch of the family settled on the Dnieper river in what is now Ukraine and produced a number of noted writers and musicians among whom was the composer, Karol Szymanowski.

Family crest 'Jezierza'
Family crest 'Ślepowron'