Kovno Kollel also known as Kollel Perushim of Kovno or Kollel Knesses Beis Yitzchok,[1] was a kollel located in Kaunas, Lithuania. It was founded in 1877[2] by Rabbi Yisrael Lipkin Salanter[3] when he was 67.
Kovno Kollel's purpose was the furtherance of hora'ah (expertise in deciding matters of Jewish law) and musar - by supporting and guiding exceptional Torah scholars in their development as authorities.
The Kovno Kollel also known as Kollel Perushim of Kovno or Kollel Knesses Beis Yitzchok, was ...
Kollel Kovno was the first kernel of the yeshivah, established in 5637 (1877).
Yitzchak Elchanan Yeshiva is also known as the Kovno Kollel (also known as ... It was founded in 1877 by Rabbi Yisrael Lipkin Salanter)[permanent dead link]