Kremenchuk Oil Refinery

Kremenchuk Oil Refinery
Native name
Кременчуцький нафтопереробний завод
Company typeBusiness
IndustryOil Refinery
Poltava Oblast, Kremenchuk, street Svishtovska, 3
Number of employees
more than 4,300

Kremenchuk Oil Refinery is the largest[1] enterprise for the production of petroleum products in Ukraine.[2] It is located in Kremenchuk,[3] Poltava Oblast.[2] Since 1994 it has been the main branch of PJSC Ukrtatnafta.[4]

  1. ^ "Russia hits two Ukrainian oil facilities in 24 hours". April 3, 2022. Retrieved April 20, 2022.
  2. ^ a b "Russia hits key Ukrainian oil facilities in Odesa and Kremenchuk". April 3, 2022. Retrieved April 20, 2022.
  3. ^ "Russia attacks Ukrainian oil refinery". CNN. April 2, 2022. Retrieved April 20, 2022.
  4. ^ "Case of Tatneft against Ukraine used as instrument of hybrid war – minister of justice". February 11, 2022. Retrieved April 20, 2022.