Kryvyi Rih metropolitan area

Kryvyi Rih metropolitan area
Криворізька агломерація
  Kryvyy Rih metropolitan area in Ukraine

Largest cities Kryvyi Rih
Zhovti Vody
 • Metro
19,919 km2 (7,691 sq mi)
 • Metro
 • Metro density59/km2 (150/sq mi)

Kryvyi Rih metropolitan area, or Kryvbas, is a metropolitan area in central (by the most part) and southern Ukraine. With a population of one million, it is one of seven largest metropolitan regions (million-plus each) in Ukraine. It consists of a couple big industrial cities and some smaller ones, townsides and rural areas.

From east to west, the region includes the cities of Kryvyi Rih, Zhovti Vody, Oleksandriia, Dolynska, Novyi Buh as well as parts of the more rural raions and (factually) includes far more territories in central and southern parts of Ukraine. The Kryvyi Rih metro area doesn't have an administrative center, each city in the area has its own administration.