Kuhn slide

Classic Walschaerts valve gear with lifting link
4. Lifting link 5. Lifting arm 7. Expansion link 8. Radius rod
Kuhn slide on a Deutsche Reichsbahn DR Class 65.10 Neubaulok

The Kuhn slide (German: Kuhnsche Schleife) is part of a modified Walschaerts (German: Heusinger) valve gear on steam locomotives[1] and is named after its inventor, Michael Kuhn (1851–1903). The term is also used to refer to this particular type of Walschaerts valve gear system as a whole.

  1. ^ Weisbrod, M. and Barkhoff, R. (1994). Die Dampflokomotive - Technik und Funktion. Teil 2: Dampfmaschine, Fahrgestell und Triebwerk, 3rd ed., Hermann Merker Verlag, Fürstenfeldbrück, pp. 56-7. ISBN 3-922404-04-9.