Kurchatov (crater)

LRO WAC image
Coordinates38°18′N 142°06′E / 38.3°N 142.1°E / 38.3; 142.1
Diameter106 km
Colongitude218° at sunrise
EponymIgor V. Kurchatov
Oblique Lunar Orbiter 5 image
Oblique Apollo 13 image

Kurchatov is a lunar impact crater that is located on the Moon's far side. It is just to the southwest of the crater Wiener, and farther to the southeast of Bridgman. A couple of crater diameters to the south of Kurchatov is the northern edge of the Mare Moscoviense.

This is a worn and eroded crater formation, with a pair of small craters lying across the northern rim, and a generally worn and pitted rim and inner wall. A small crater lies along the northern inner wall and a bowl-shaped crater at the northwest edge of the interior floor. There is a small, elongated central ridge near the midpoint, and the interior floor is pitted with tiny craterlets.

Beginning to the south of Kurchatov and running toward the west-northwest is a crater chain designated Catena Kurchatov. The chain ends to the southeast of Becquerel.