Kuzman Kapidan (Bulgarian: Кузман Капитан Macedonian: Кузман Капидан) or Kuzman Karamak or Kuzman voivode[1] or Kuzman Kareman[2] is a popular legendary hero of Bulgarian,[3][4] and after WWII of Macedonian epic poetry. His figure is based on the historical person who initially was a hajduk,[2] then - serdar (kapidan is corruption of captain) in service of Dželadin-bey (Albanian: Xheladin bej Ohri), a governor of Ohrid kaza at the beginning of 19th century.[5] [6] He defeated the bands of the robbers Osman Mura and Dervish Mucha. According to some legends, he was poisoned by his enemies, and according to others he was killed in battle.[2] His struggle against bandits was still alive among Macedonians in the 20th century, especially in Debar region, from where he operated and from where he allegedly descended.[7] He is commemorated in numerous epic songs, including O Armatolos, an award-winning poem written by the 19th-century Bulgarian poet Grigor Parlichev.[8]
Kuzman Kapidan je povijesna ličnost iz vremena samozvanog ohridskog vladara Dželadin bega u kojega je on bio kapetan (kapidan).
Споменот за Кузман Капидан, за неговите подвизи во борбата со разбојниците, се уште e жив мегу македонскиот народ, особено во селата на Дебарца каде што дејствувал и од каде, според преданието, потекнувал.
Interesantna je napomena Georgi Staleva-Popovskog koji tvrdi da je Skenderbe.j deluje realisticnije nego Kuzman Kapi- dan, junak poeme Seràar i pïScev savremenik.