La Garcipollera

Landscape of the Garcipollera valley.

La Garcipollera (in Aragonese and officially A Garzipollera),[1] also known as Garcipollera Valley, is a small area of the Aragonese Pyrenees, within the Jacetania, in the province of Huesca, practically coinciding with the basin of the Ijuez river, a tributary of Aragon. It is characteristic because most of its villages were depopulated during the 20th century.

  1. ^ Diputación General de Aragón (February 15, 2019). Boletín Oficial de Aragón (ed.). "ORDEN VMV/70/2019, de 18 de enero, por la que se publica el Acuerdo adoptado por el Gobierno de Aragón, en su reunión celebrada el día 15 de enero de 2019, por el que se aprueban las modifcaciones del Nomenclátor Geográfco de Aragón" (in Spanish). Zaragoza: Gobierno de Aragón. p. 4126. Retrieved April 12, 2020.