Languages of North Macedonia

Languages of North Macedonia
Signage in Macedonian, English, and Albanian in Skopje
OfficialMacedonian, Albanian (co-official)
MinorityTurkish, Romani, Serbian, Bosnian & Aromanian
ForeignSerbo-Croatian, English, Russian, French, German
SignedMacedonian Sign Language
Keyboard layout
Linguistic map of North Macedonia, 2002 census.

The official language of North Macedonia is Macedonian, while Albanian has co-official status. Macedonian is spoken by roughly two-thirds of the population natively, and as a second language by much of the rest of the population. Albanian is the largest minority language. There are a further five national minority languages: Turkish, Romani, Serbian, Bosnian, and Aromanian. The Macedonian Sign Language is the country's official sign language.