Lateral grey column

Lateral grey column (lateral horn)
Cross-Section of the Spinal Cord
Latincornu laterale medullae spinalis
Anatomical terminology
The four main divisions of the spinal column, from top to bottom: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral

The lateral grey column (lateral column, lateral cornu, lateral horn of spinal cord, intermediolateral column) is one of the three grey columns of the spinal cord (which give the shape of a butterfly); the others being the anterior and posterior grey columns. The lateral grey column is primarily involved with activity in the sympathetic division of the autonomic motor system. It projects to the side as a triangular field in the thoracic and upper lumbar[1] regions (specifically T1-L2) of the postero-lateral part of the anterior grey column.

  1. ^ Pritchard, Thomas C.; Alloway, Kevin D. (1999). Medical neuroscience (1st ed.). Madison, Conn.: Fence Creek Pub. ISBN 978-1889325293.