Latter Day Saint movement and engraved metal plates

Engraved metal plates are significant in the Latter Day Saint movement because in 1827, the founder, Joseph Smith, claimed to have obtained a set of engraved golden plates he had found four years earlier after being directed there by an angel.[1] He claimed to have translated the engravings on the plates by divine power[2] into English as the Book of Mormon, a religious text of that religious tradition.

Latter Day Saints believe that other engraved metal plates exist, many of which are mentioned in the Book of Mormon. In addition, Mormon apologists argue that the golden plates are part of a long tradition of writing on engraved metal plates in the Middle East.

  1. ^ "Joseph Smith—History 1". Retrieved 2024-06-10.
  2. ^ "Introduction to Revelations and Translations: Volume 5". Retrieved 2024-06-10.