Law on the Reconstruction of the Reich

Law on the Reconstruction
of the Reich
Reichsadler of the Weimar Republic,
from 1933 to 1935
CitationRGBl. 1934 I p. 75
Enacted byReichstag
Enacted30 January 1934
Signed byReich President
Paul von Hindenburg
Signed30 January 1934
Effective30 January 1934
Status: Repealed

The Law on the Reconstruction of the Reich (German: Gesetz über den Neuaufbau des Reichs) of 30 January 1934, was a sweeping constitutional change to the structure of the German state by the government of Nazi Germany. It was one of the key pieces of legislation that served as the basis for the policy of Gleichschaltung, or coordination, by which Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party successfully established their totalitarian control over all aspects of the German government and society. The law abolished the independent parliaments (Landtage) of the then-extant 16 German states, transferred the states' sovereignty to the central government and essentially converted Germany from a federal republic to a highly centralized unitary state.