Le Juif errant (opera)

Le Juif errant
Grand opera by Fromental Halévy
Set design for the first act by Philippe Chaperon
TranslationThe Wandering Jew
Based onLe Juif errant by Eugène Sue
23 March 1852 (1852-03-23)

Le Juif errant (The Wandering Jew) is a grand opera by Fromental Halévy, with a libretto by Eugène Scribe and Jules-Henri Vernoy de Saint-Georges.

The opera is based extremely loosely on themes of the novel Le Juif errant, by Eugène Sue. Whilst the novel is set in 19th century Paris and the Wandering Jew is incidental to the main story-line, the opera begins in Amsterdam in 1190 and the Jew Ahasuerus (spelled Ashvérus[1] in the opera) is a leading character.

  1. ^ Sue's spelling of the name was 'Ahasvérus', a version also used by Edgar Quinet. However, Scribe's version of the name can be found in earlier literature (e.g. in 1834)