Legionary denarii (Mark Antony)

RRC 544/14: Legionary denarius, issued in the name of Mark Antony and the Legio III Cyrenaica
RRC 544/24: Legionary denarius, issued in the name of Mark Antony and the Legio X Equestris
RRC 544/12: Variant legionary denarius, issued in the name of Mark Antony and the cohort of scouts (cohors speculatorum)

Legionary denarii is the modern name for a series of Roman silver denarius coins issued by Mark Antony in the eastern Mediterranean during the last war of the Roman Republic from 32 to 31 BC, in the lead up to the Battle of Actium. The coinage is also referred to by numismatists as RRC 544/1-39, after its designation in M. H. Crawford, Roman Republican Coinage (1975).