Leonardo Xavier

Professor Leonardo "The Wizard" Xavier was born on January 3, 1976, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. At the age of 5, Leo ventured into his first martial art, taking judo in school. At the age of 13 Leo began to take Tae Kwon Do classes. Finally, at the age of 15 a friend introduced him to Brazilian jiu-jitsu.

Leo immediately became good friends with his coaches, Royler Gracie and Saulo Ribeiro. Under their watchful eye, Leo began to successfully compete in local and regional tournaments in Brazil and, while he was still a blue belt, Leo began to help with classes. Leo trained during this time at the legendary birthplace of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, Gracie Humaitá Academy in Rio. In 1999, Leo realized his dream of being promoted to black belt from the hands of his coaches Royler Gracie and Saulo Ribeiro. He is one of an elite group who have had the privilege and honor of teaching Jiu-Jitsu at the Gracie Humaitá Academy.

In May, 2008, Professor Xavier was promoted by Royler Gracie to the rank of third degree black belt in Gracie Jiu-Jitsu.

He is currently (2014) a 4th degree promoted by Rickson Gracie and recognized by Jiu-Jitsu Global Federation (JJGF).