Unlike other species of tadpole shrimp, Lepidurus arcticus is known to coexist with fish, such as Arctic char,[4]brown trout[6] and European whitefish.[5] Furthermore, they exist in water temperatures much colder (4–7 °C or 39–45 °F) than the other species of its order.[9] About 14 °C seems to be the upper thermal threshold for where in which waters it can live.[10] It is a common predator of Daphnia pulex.[11]
^ abJärvinen, A; Lakka, H-K; Sujala, M (2014). "Arktinen Kilpikidusjalkainen, tunturivesien elävä fossiili, löydetty jälleen Suomesta. ("The living fossil Arctic tadpole shrimp was found again in Finland")". Luonnon Tutkija (in Finnish). 1: 19–24.
^ abLakka, H-K; Leppänen, A; Mykrä, H; Vaajala, M; Raineva, S; Lensu, T; Salonen, E (2019). "Paljakkakilpiäinen siian ravintona Inarijärvessä". Luonnon Tutkija. 2: 66–70.