Parliament of Poland
  • Act of 11 August 2021 on the amendment of the "Broadcasting and the Cinematography Act"
Considered bySejm
Considered bySenate
Vetoed byPresident Andrzej Duda
Vetoed27 December 2021
Legislative history
First chamber: Sejm
Passed18 December 2021
Voting summary
  • 229 voted for
  • 212 voted against
  • 11 abstained
Final stages
Senate amendments considered by the Sejm18 December 2021
Status: Vetoed
A "free media" banner held by demonstrators protesting against the "Lex TVN" on 10 August in Poland.

Act of 11 August 2021 on the amendment of the "Broadcasting and the Cinematography Act" (Polish: Ustawa z dnia 11 sierpnia 2021 r. o zmianie ustawy o radiofonii i telewizji oraz ustawy o kinematografii), better known by media term Lex TVN (lit. "TVN Law"), was a controversial Polish media law amendment of the Polish Broadcasting Act [pl]. It was meant to remove loopholes that allowed companies from outside the European Economic Area to hold more than a 49% stake in Polish radio and television stations by use of dummy corporations. The government denies the measure is aimed at any one broadcaster, saying it seeks to prevent potential media acquisitions by non-EU countries such as Russia, China and Arab nations; however, many critics describe this amendment as an attempt to harass TVN and its parent company TVN Grupa Discovery in particular, given that it is the main television platform for the opposition to the ruling Law and Justice party.[1][2][3][4]

On 18 December 2021, the bill was passed via the Sejm. The Sejm voted in favor 229–212 with 11 abstentions to override the Senate's veto. Law and Justice (PiS) party and allied opposition group Kukiz'15 voted for the bill, against was the remaining opposition with the exception of far right Confederation, which abstained.[5][6][7][8][9] The bill was vetoed by Polish President Andrzej Duda on 27 December 2021.[10]

  1. ^ "The explainer: Lex TVN and Poland's parliamentary drama". Emerging Europe. 12 August 2021. Retrieved 12 August 2021.
  2. ^ "W Sejmie "lex TVN" i reasumpcja głosowania. Lichocka: Wszystko jest zgodnie z prawem". www.rp.pl (in Polish). Retrieved 12 August 2021.
  3. ^ Kondzińska, Agata; Wroński, Paweł (11 August 2021). ""Lex TVN" przyjęte po skandalu w Sejmie i reasumpcji głosowania". wyborcza.pl. Retrieved 12 August 2021.
  4. ^ "Will Poland's Kaczyński survive his own media law?". EUobserver. Retrieved 12 August 2021.
  5. ^ "Poland races through media law seen as targeting US broadcaster – POLITICO". 17 December 2021.
  6. ^ "Poland: Parliament approves controversial media reform bill | DW | 17.12.2021". Deutsche Welle.
  7. ^ Koper, Anna (19 December 2021). "Poland angers U.S. by rushing through media law | Reuters". Reuters.
  8. ^ "Polish lawmakers overturn Senate veto of controversial media law". 17 December 2021.
  9. ^ "Sejm votes down Senate's rejection of amendment to media law".
  10. ^ Wlodarczak-semczuk, Anna; Florkiewicz, Pawel (27 December 2021). "Polish president vetoes media bill, U.S. welcomes move". Reuters. Retrieved 27 December 2021.