Liburn Jupolli

Liburn Jupolli (born 11 December 1989 in Pristina, Kosovo) is an Albanian Musician/Composer from Kosovo.

Prof.PhD. Liburn Jupolli is a composer, multi-instrumentalist, inventor, producer with more than 15 years of experience.

Released 25 music albums, performed/presented in internationally renowned music festivals/academic venues, invented 2 new instruments, composed for more than 60 different productions in theater, film, animation, fine arts, games and is a founder of the first Modern Music Faculty in Kosovo and Center for Modern Music Research of UBT-University or Business and Technology where he works as a lecturer.

He is also the founder of the philanthropic Foundation IL-IR and "MAGMUS" publishing house.

Founder – Faculty of Modern Music, Digital Production and Management Founder/Director – CMMDPM – Center for Modern Music, Digital Production and Management.