

Lifecasting is the process of creating a three-dimensional copy of a living human body, through the use of molding and casting techniques.[1] In rare cases lifecasting is also practiced on living animals. The most common lifecasts are 3D hand casting,[2] casting of torsoes, pregnant bellies, faces, and genitalia and it is possible for an experienced lifecasting practitioner to copy any part of the body. Lifecasting is usually limited to a section of the body at a time, but full-body lifecasts are achievable too. Compared with other three-dimensional representations of humans, the standout feature of lifecasts is their high level of realism and detail. Lifecasts can replicate details as small as fingerprints and pores.

  1. ^ The Association of Lifecasters International Archived 2007-04-06 at the Wayback Machine
  2. ^ "3D Hand Casting - a lifecasting technique capturing every detail, from palm lines to fingerprints". Memory Casting. 12 Sep 2023.