
A lineman repairing a damaged power line
NamesLineworker, powerline worker
Occupation type
Education required
Apprenticeship, Industrial Training Institute
Related jobs
Lineworkers repairing electricity distribution lines that supply power to homes

A lineworker (also called a lineman or powerline worker) constructs and maintains the electric transmission and distribution facilities that deliver electrical energy to industrial, commercial, and residential establishments. A lineworker installs, services, and emergency repairs electrical lines in the case of lightning, wind, ice storm, or ground disruptions.[1] Whereas those who install and maintain electrical wiring inside buildings are electricians, lineworkers generally work at outdoor installations.

  1. ^ Shoemaker, Thomas M.; Mack, James E. (March 23, 2017). The Lineman's and Cableman's Handbook, 13th Edition. McGraw Hill. p. 15. ISBN 9780071850032.