List of Aldnoah.Zero episodes

Aldnoah.Zero is a mecha anime television series created by Gen Urobuchi and Olympus Knights, and animated by A-1 Pictures and Troyca.[1][2] The series presents the story of the Vers Empire's 37 clans of Orbital Knights' attempted reconquest of Earth—enabled by the empowering titular Aldnoah energy/drive technology—following their return to Earth as a more technologically advanced people after a human diaspora to the planet Mars.[3][4] Created by Gen Urobuchi with direction by Ei Aoki,[2] the series features principle Japanese voice acting by Natsuki Hanae, Kensho Ono, and Sora Amamiya,[5] with animated relational and battle scenes set on or in the fictional Earth of 2014, the orbital castles of Vers Empire's Orbital Knights, Vers bases on a shattered remnant of Earth's moon, and occasionally, the Vers palace of its failing emperor on Mars. The series began in July 2014, and as of March 2016, had presented two full 12-episode seasons, with Urobuchi, Katsuhiko Takayama, and Shinsuke Onishi, and then Hiroyuki Sawano and Kalafina,[6] respectively, receiving principle script-writing and music credits.

  1. ^ Cite error: The named reference usa was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  2. ^ a b ANN Staff (2014-02-15). "Fate/Zero's Aoki Helms Nitro+ & Urobuchi's Aldnoah.Zero TV Anime". Anime News Network. Retrieved 16 March 2016.
  3. ^ ANN Staff (2014-04-27). "Aldnoah.Zero Space Robot TV Anime's 2nd Ad Streamed". Anime News Network. Retrieved 16 March 2016.
  4. ^ ANN Staff (2014-06-14). "Toru Ohkawa, Sho Hayami Join Aldnoah.Zero Cast". Anime News Network. Retrieved 16 March 2016.
  5. ^ ANN Staff (2014-03-22). "Aldnoah.Zero TV Anime's Cast Announced in 1st Promo Video". Anime News Network. Retrieved 16 March 2016.
  6. ^ ANN Staff (2014-05-10). "Kalafina, Hiroyuki Sawano Perform Aldnoah.Zero TV Anime's Songs". Anime News Network. Retrieved 16 March 2016.