List of Baccano! characters

The Baccano! light novel and anime series feature an extensive ensemble cast of characters created by Ryohgo Narita and illustrated by Katsumi Enami. Largely set in a fictional United States, the series tells many loosely connected stories about people brought together by immortality and is often told from multiple points of view. The events occur throughout many decades; most take place during the Prohibition-era while others are set in the 18th century and the first decade of the 21st century.

The cast is made up of many seemingly unconnected characters and at least twenty main characters,[1][2][3] including Isaac Dian and Miria Harvent, a pair of eccentric thieves; Firo Prochainezo and his mentor Maiza Avaro, members of Manhattan's small Camorrista Martillo family; Keith, Berga and Luck Gandor, three brothers who manage the small Gandor mafia family, also based in Manhattan; Szilard Quates, who recreates an immortality elixir which many characters accidentally drink, and his homunculus Ennis; Dallas Genoard, a young thug from a wealthy family, and his sister Eve; Czeslaw Meyer, a young boy; mafia hitman Ladd Russo and his fiancée Lua Klein; mute bodyguard Chane Laforet; gangsters Nice Holystone and Jacuzzi Splot; and the Gandors' adoptive brother Claire Stanfield, also known as the legendary assassin Vino.

While developing the series, Narita did not create a detailed outline. Instead, he created the story around on how the characters would act, which changed the original plots and structures of the novels. Although he allows the characters to "move" how they "want", he finds it troublesome because certain characters move "too much" and leave the plot "in ruins"; in addition, other characters are hard to move along with the plot. Tyler Walker, the ADR director of the English dub of the series, states that casting for the series was difficult due to the large number of characters and the character types. The characters Narita created were praised for their differences in appearance and personality, and each was said to have his or her own psychosis.

  1. ^ "The Official Baccano! Web Site". Funimation Entertainment. Archived from the original (Flash) on March 10, 2010. Retrieved September 25, 2009. They weigh the pros and cons of jumping to conclusions when considering a caper with almost twenty lead characters that spans centuries. Click "Episodes" located to the right of the Baccano! logo. From the episode list that appears on the left, select the last episode labeled "16 - Carol Realizes That the Story Cannot Have an Ending". The quote is located in the episode description in the lower right.
  2. ^ Martin, Theron (January 30, 2009). "Baccano! + Artbox DVD 1". Anime News Network. Retrieved September 25, 2009.
  3. ^ Cite error: The named reference AnimeTodayTylerWalker was invoked but never defined (see the help page).