Bokurano: Ours is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Mohiro Kitoh. It was serialized in the monthly manga magazine Ikki from 2003 to 2009; chapters have been collected in ten tankōbon volumes published by Shogakukan,[1] with the 11th and final volume scheduled for fall 2009.[2] The series has been adapted as an anime television series called Bokurano directed by Hiroyuki Morita and produced by Gonzo that aired in 2007[3] and a light novel series called Bokura no: Alternative written by Renji Ōki,[4] both with alternative storylines.[5][4]
In all incarnations, the series is about a group of middle-school students who unwillingly assume the task of piloting a giant mecha named Zearth in a series of battles against mechas from parallel worlds, where the survival of Earth is dependent on their continuing to win at the cost of the life of the pilot of each battle. The following is a list of characters from the manga and anime versions, including those exclusive to the anime.