The Chibi Vampire manga series and its light novel adaptation feature a cast of characters created by Yuna Kagesaki. The series takes place in a fictional Japan where vampires live amongst humans and are slowly dying out from lack of reproduction. Among them is Karin Maaka, an unusual vampire who does not drink blood but instead must inject it into others because her body produces too much. The youngest child in a family of vampires, Karin lives like a normal human teenager, attending school and walking in the daylight with no harm to herself. Her parents, Henry and Calera Maaka, along with her older brother Ren and younger sister Anju, worry about her unusual nature. At school Karin meets a new transfer student, the human Kenta Usui, with whom she becomes friends and later falls in love. After he learns her secret, he agrees to help Karin during the day when her vampire family is unable to watch over her. While the awkward couple deal with the issues of a relationship between a human and a vampire, they meet Yuriya Tachibana, a human-vampire hybrid sent by her uncle Glark to look for the "psyche" of vampires. The pair eventually kidnaps Karin, the "Spring of Psyche", and intending that all vampires drink her blood so that it may rejuvenate their species.
The anime television adaptation features character designs by Yumi Nakayama[1] and a slightly modified story. Yuriya, Glark and Bridget do not appear; instead, the Maaka family finds itself targeted by the Sinclair family of vampire hunters. Victor Sinclair wishes to destroy the family, blaming them for his family's "shame" because his ancestor Alfred Sinclair fell in love with Elda Maaka, Karin's grandmother. Victor blames Elda for loving Alfred and filling his life with sadness. Victor's grandson Winner initially aids him in his quest, but develops feelings for Karin who gave him confidence when he questioned his ability to follow his dreams.