DreamWorks Dragons is an American television series airing on Cartoon Network (for the first two seasons) and Netflix (after the second season) based on the 2010 film How to Train Your Dragon. The series serves as a bridge between the first film and its 2014 sequel.[1] A one-hour preview consisting of two episodes aired on August 7, 2012,[2] with the official premiere of the series on September 4, 2012.[3] 118 episodes of DreamWorks Dragons were released, concluding the series on February 16, 2018.[1][4][5]
The series was announced by Cartoon Network on October 12, 2010.[6] According to Tim Johnson, executive producer for How to Train Your Dragon, the series was planned to be much darker and deeper than DreamWorks Animation's previous television series spin-offs, with a similar tone to the movie. DreamWorks Dragons was the first DreamWorks Animation series to air on Cartoon Network rather than Nickelodeon.[7]