A weekly anime series based on Fist of the Blue Sky (Japanese: 蒼天の拳, Hepburn: Sōten no Ken)' aired on Japan's TV Asahi on Thursdays at 2:40am from October 4, 2006 to March 14, 2007. The series lasted only 26 episodes. The complete series has been released on DVD in Region 2 format by Universal Entertainment Japan, including unaired episodes and uncensored content. The opening theme is "Bara ga Saku, Bara ga Chiru" (薔薇が咲く 薔薇が散る, "Roses Bloom, Roses Scatter") by Rina Aiuchi while the ending themes are "Kokoro no Rhythm Tobichiru Butterfly (心のリズム飛び散るバタフライ, Kokoro no Rizumu Tobichiru Batafurai, lit. "The Rhythm of the Heart is a Fluttering Butterfly") by doa and "Kissing Til I Die" by Jun Manaka.
The subsequent series Sōten no Ken: Re:Genesis series premiered on April 2, 2018 on Tokyo MX.[1] The opening is "Souten no Hate ni" by AK-69 while the ending theme is "Inori no Hoshizora" by Sumire Uesaka.[2] The second opening theme is "Soul Seeker" by Crossfaith while the ending theme is "Kono Sora wo Subete Kimi ni" (この空をすべて君に) by Hiroya Ozaki.