Flame of Recca is a 42-episode anime series produced by Studio Pierrot and directed by Noriyuki Abe. It is an adaptation of the manga series of the same name by Nobuyuki Anzai. The plot follows the protagonist Recca Hanabishi, a teenage ninja with the ability to manipulate fire and a descendant of the Hokage, a ninja clan wiped out centuries ago.
The series aired in Japan from July 19, 1997, to July 10, 1998, on Fuji Television.[1] Flame of Recca has also aired on the satellite network Animax in Japan and Asia.[2][3] Pony Canyon has released the entire series on DVD and laserdisc, while Geneon released it in two DVD boxsets on April 22 and June 24, 2004.[4] In North America, Viz Media released the series in ten separate DVD volumes between October 26, 2004, and January 9, 2007.[5][6]
The Flame of Recca anime series featured background music composed by Yusuke Honma. The series featured "Nanka Shiawase" (なんか幸せ, lit. "Something Happy") by The Oystars as its opening theme, and used "Love is Changing" (西田ひかる) by Hikaru Nishida and "Zutto Kimi no Soba de" (ずっと君の傍で, lit. "By Your Side Forever") by Yuki Masuda as its ending themes for episodes 1-32 and episodes 33-42 respectively.