Haibane Renmei is a Japanese animated television series. It was directed by Tomokazu Tokoro, animated by the Japanese animation studio Radix, and produced by Yasuyuki Ueda. The episodes are based on the brief dōjinshi The Haibane of Old Home (オールドホームの灰羽達, Ōrudo-hōmu no Haibane-tachi) by Yoshitoshi ABe, expanding on the original concepts over thirteen episodes. ABe also wrote the screenplay for the anime. The plot of the episodes follows Rakka, a girl who hatches from a cocoon in a strange town with no memory of who she was before.
The episodes aired from October 10, 2002, to December 19, 2002, on Animax and Fuji Television. The first five ran two weeks apart, and the remaining eight were shown weekly in back-to-back pairs.[1]
Geneon, Haibane Renmei's Japanese distributor, also owned the license for the series' English release in the United States until it was acquired by Funimation in 2010.[2][3] MVM Films owns distribution rights in the United Kingdom and Madman Entertainment owns them in Australia and New Zealand.
Two pieces of theme music are used for the episodes; one opening theme and one closing theme. The opening theme is "Free Bird" by Kow Otani and the closing theme is "Blue Flow" by Masumi Itō with Heart of Air. The soundtrack album, Hanenone, was released on December 30, 2002, in Japan[4] and August 5, 2003, in the United States.[5]