List of Kyo Kara Maoh! characters

The Kyo Kara Maoh! light novel, anime, and manga series features a cast of characters created by Tomo Takabayashi and Temari Matsumoto. The story mainly takes place in an alternate world, in a country called The Great Demon Kingdom (眞魔国, Shin Makoku). Yuri Shibuya, a Japanese high school student from Earth, travels between this other world and Earth by coming in contact with water. On Yuri's first visit to the other world he is informed he is the king of The Great Demon Kingdom.

The Demon Kingdom is split into 11 different sections. One section is ruled over directly by the king and each of the rest are ruled over by one of the ten noble families of The Demon Kingdom (Christ, Voltaire, Grantz, Bielefelt, Karbelnikoff, Wincott, Spitzweg, Gyllenhaal, Rochefort, and Radford). "Von" comes before the surname of anyone who is a member of one of the noble families.[1]

The Original King's era took place 4000 years before the present storyline.[2] Volume 1 was released on December 26, 2005 in Japan.[3]

  1. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 8
  2. ^ Kyo Kara Maoh! anime, episode 72
  3. ^ "Kyo Kara Maoh! (manga) [Release dates] - Anime News Network". Retrieved 2022-04-16.