Legend of the Seeker is an American television series produced by ABC Studios and distributed in domestic syndication by Disney-ABC Domestic Television. The show is based on the fantasy novel series The Sword of Truth written by Terry Goodkind and follows a woods guide who, after being thrust into a world of magic, is charged with the responsibility to protect the world from evil. The first season premiered with a double bill on November 1, 2008. The series was renewed for a second season in January 2009,[1] which premiered on November 7, 2009. On April 26, 2010 Ausiello Files reported that the series has been cancelled and will not return for a third season.[2] Fans of the series have responded by launching a renewal campaign titled "Save Our Seeker".[3][4][5] Terry Goodkind has expressed his support for the campaign.[6][7]
A total of 44 episodes aired throughout the series.[8]