List of Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam episodes

Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam is a 1985 Japanese science fiction anime television series created and directed by Yoshiyuki Tomino and produced by Nagoya Broadcasting Network, Sotsu Agency, and Sunrise. Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam is the sequel to the 1979 Japanese science fiction series Mobile Suit Gundam. The series premiered in Japan on Nagoya Broadcasting Network on March 2, 1985, and spanned 50 episodes to February 22, 1986. The English adaptation was released direct to DVD in the United States.

Three pieces of theme music are used over the course of the series—two opening themes and one closing theme. For the first twenty-three episodes, the opening theme is "Zeta - Transcending Times" (Z・刻をこえて, Zeta - Toki wo Koete). For the remaining twenty-seven episodes, the opening theme is "From the Aqueous Star with Love" (水の星へ愛をこめて, Mizu no Hoshi e Ai wo Komete) by Hiroko Moriguchi. The closing theme is "Believe in the Starry Sky" (星空のBelieve, Hoshizora no Believe) by Mami Ayukawa. For the North American release, the opening and closing themes were changed to "Zeta's Pulse ~ Zeta Gundam" (Ζの鼓動~Ζガンダム, Zeta no Kodō ~ Zeta Gundam) for the opening theme and "Boy from Green Noa ~ A New World" (グリーン・ノアの少年~新たな世界, Gurīn Noa no Shōnen ~ Arata na Sekai) for the closing theme, both by Shigeaki Saegusa. Songs composed by Neil Sedaka were adapted for the series Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam. These included the two opening themes "Zeta - Toki wo Koete" (originally in English as "Better Days are Coming") and "Mizu no Hoshi e Ai wo Komete" (originally in English as "For Us to Decide", but the English version was never recorded), as well as the end theme "Hoshizora no Believe" (written as "Bad and Beautiful"). Due to copyright, the songs were replaced for the North American DVD.