Mr. Osomatsu, known in Japan as Osomatsu-san, is a 2015 anime television series directed by Yoichi Fujita and produced by Pierrot, based on Fujio Akatsuka's Osomatsu-kun manga series. Celebrating Akatsuka's 80th birthday, the series follows the sextuplet Matsuno brothers as they now start living as adults.
The first season aired between October 6, 2015, and March 29, 2016, and was simulcast by Crunchyroll.[1] Following its broadcast, the first episode was removed from streaming and is replaced by an original video animation episode in its home video release.[2] A special episode, produced in collaboration with the Japan Racing Association, aired on December 12, 2016.[3] For the first twelve episodes, the opening theme is "Hanamaru Pippi wa Yoi Ko dake" (はなまるぴっぴはよいこだけ, The Hanamaru Whistle is Only for Good Kids) by AŌP while the ending theme is "Six Same Faces ~Kon'ya wa Saikō!!!!!!~ (SIX SAME FACES ~今夜は最高!!!!!!~, Six Same Faces ~Tonight is the Best!!!!!!~) by Iyami (Kenichi Suzumura) and the Matsuno brothers (Takahiro Sakurai, Yuichi Nakamura, Hiroshi Kamiya, Jun Fukuyama, Daisuke Ono, and Miyu Irino). For episodes thirteen onwards, the opening theme is "Zenryoku Batankyū" (全力バタンキュー, Hit the Sack At Full Force) by AŌP while the ending theme is "Six Shame Faces ~~Kon'ya mo Saikō!!!!!!~ (SIX SHAME FACES 〜今夜も最高!!!!!!〜, Six Shame Faces ~Tonight is Also the Best!!!!!!~) by Totoko (Aya Endō) and the Matsuno Brothers.[4] In the end of special episode, the message "See You Again" appeared as the endcard.[5]
The second season aired in Japan between October 3, 2017, and March 27, 2018.[6] For the first thirteen episodes, the opening theme is "Kunshi Ayauku Mo Chikouyore" (君氏危うくも近うよれ, Bring You As Close As Possible) by AŌP while the ending theme is "Let's Go! Muttsugo! ~Rokushoku no Niji~" (レッツゴー!ムッツゴー!~6色の虹~, Let's Go! Sextuplets! ~The Six-Colored Rainbow~) by ROOTS66.[7][8] From episode 14 onwards, the opening theme is "Maboroshi Wink" (まぼろしウインク, Iridescent Wink) by AŌP while the ending theme is "Otona÷6×Kodomo×6" (大人÷6×子供×6, Adult÷6×Child×6) by The Osomatsu-sans. The third season aired in Japan between October 13, 2020, and March 30, 2021.[9]