Nekopara (Japanese: ネコぱら) is an anime series based on the visual novels developed by Neko Works and published by Sekai Project. Taking place in a world where humans live alongside adorable catgirls,[1] the series follows Kashou Minaduki and Shigure Minaduki, siblings who have a family of catgirls named Chocola, Vanilla, Coconut, Azuki, Maple, Cinnamon and Cacao. It is centered around work life at Kashou's pâtisserie and home life at Shigure's family house.
An all-ages anime OVA adaptation was released on Steam in December 2017; it became one of the top earners in Steam in December 2017.[2]
An anime television series adaptation by Felix Film premiered from January 9 to March 26, 2020. The anime is licensed in English-speaking regions by Funimation, which was renamed into Crunchyroll after its parent Sony Pictures Television acquired the streaming service of the same name from AT&T in 2021.[3]
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