Patlabor, a franchise created by the group Headgear, has been adapted into three anime versions between 1988 and 1992, including the first OVA series Patlabor: The Early Days, Patlabor: The TV Series and its follow up OVA series, Patlabor: The New Files. A live-action follow-up to The Early Days continuity, The Next Generation: Patlabor, was released in 2014–2015.
In 1988, Sunrise produced a seven-episode OVA series, this was the basis for the two movies that were to follow.[1] After the success of the OVA series, they produced a television series aired on NTV from 1989 to 1990, which was based on the manga by Masami Yuki, and thus it is an alternate re-telling of the Patlabor series.[2] A second OVA series, which was the sequel to the television series was released on the LaserDisc and VHS tapes of the television series, from 1990 to 1992.[3]
All three anime series were licensed in Region 1 format by Central Park Media. They were released onto VHS and DVD.[4][5] However, CPM had filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in April 2009 and ceased operations.[6] In 2013, Maiden Japan had re-licensed the first OVA series and later, the television series on DVD and Blu-ray.[7][8]