The Saki animated television series is based on the manga of the same name written and illustrated by Ritz Kobayashi. The episodes were produced by the animation studios Gonzo and Picture Magic, directed by Manabu Ono, and written by Tatsuhiko Urahata.[1] The story follows the titular character Saki Miyanaga, a skilled mahjong player who joins her high school's mahjong club despite previously hating the game. There, she makes friends with other mahjong players and heads into the world of competitive mahjong. The episodes aired in Japan between April 6 and September 28, 2009 on TV Tokyo and concluded with 25 episodes.[2] The first DVD compilation volume was released on July 15, 2009 by Pony Canyon. The DVD release also included seven picture drama episodes.
An anime television adaptation of Saki Achiga-hen episode of Side-A, a side-story manga written by Kobayashi and illustrated by Aguri Igarashi, was produced by Studio Gokumi and directed by Ono. The story follows Nodoka Haramura's former classmate, Shizuno Takakamo, who revives her school's mahjong club so they can reach the national championships and see Nodoka again. The 12-episode series aired in Japan between April 9 and July 2, 2012 and was simulcast by Crunchyroll.[3][4][5] Four additional episodes aired between December 2012 and May 2013.[6] A third season, Saki: The Nationals, also produced by Studio Gokumi, aired 13 episodes between January 5[7] and April 6, 2014. All of the series are simulcast by Crunchyroll. An original video animation based on Saya Kiyoshi's Saki Biyori gag manga was released on July 25, 2015.
Five pieces of theme music are used for Saki; two opening themes and three ending themes.[8] The opening theme for episodes one through fourteen is "Glossy:MMM" by Miyuki Hashimoto, while episodes fifteen onwards use "Bloooomin'" by Little Non. The first ending theme used in most of the first fourteen episodes is "Netsuretsu Kangei Wonderland" (熱烈歓迎わんだーらんど) by Kana Ueda, Ami Koshimizu, Rie Kugimiya, Ryōko Shiraishi, and Shizuka Itō. The second ending theme, used for episodes 7, 10, 16, 18 and 22, is "Zankoku na Negai no Naka de" (残酷な願いの中で) by Ueda and Koshimizu. The third ending theme, used for episodes fifteen onwards is "Shikakui Uchū de Matteru yo" (四角い宇宙で待ってるよ) by Ueda, Koshimizu, Kugimiya, Shiraishi and Itō. For Saki Achiga-hen episode of Side-A, the opening theme is "Miracle Rush" by StylipS, while the ending themes are "Square Panic Serenade" performed by Aoi Yūki, Nao Tōyama, Kana Hanazawa, Mako and Yumi Uchiyama and "Futuristic Player" by Miyuki Hashimoto. For the extra episodes, the opening theme is "Tsu Ba Sa" by SylipS.[9][10] For Saki: The Nationals, the opening theme is "New Sparks!" by Hashimoto, and the ending themes are "True Gate", performed by Hashimoto, and "Kono Te ga Kiseki o Eranderu " (この手が奇跡を選んでる, This Hand Will Draw a Miracle), which is performed by voice actresses from the show and varies between episodes.