List of Sheikh-ul-Islams of the Ottoman Empire

The following is a list of Sheikh-ul-Islams of the Ottoman Empire. After the foundation of the Empire around 1300, the title of Sheikh-ul-Islam, formerly used in the Abbasid Caliphate, was given to a leader authorized to issue legal opinion or fatwa. During the reign of Sultan Murad II, (1421-1444, 1446-1451) the position became an official title, with authority over other muftis in the Empire. In the late 16th century, Shaykh al-Islam were assigned to appoint and dismiss supreme judges, high ranking college professors, and heads of Sufi orders. Prominent figures include Zenbilli Ali Cemali Efendi (1445-1526), Ibn-i Kemal (Kemalpasazade) (1468-1533), Ebussuud Efendi (1491-1574) and al-Kawthari (1879-1952).[1]

  1. ^ Yurdakul, İlhami."Şeyhülislam (shaykhulislam)". Gábor Ágoston and Bruce Alan Masters, eds. Encyclopedia of the Ottoman Empire, pp. 524–25. Facts on File, 2009.