Teekyu is an anime series directed and written by Shin Itagaki, based upon a manga distributed in Earth Star Entertainment's Comic Earth Star. The anime has had nine seasons, starting in October 2012. The adaptation was announced alongside the release of the manga's first tankōbon, five months after the manga was first published. This is the fastest manga-release-to-anime-announcement time that Earth Star Entertainment has ever had.[1]
The first three seasons are animated by MAPPA. The series' first season aired between October 7 and December 23, 2012,[1] the second one between July 7 and September 22, 2013,[2] and the third one between October 6 and December 22, 2013.[3][4] The fourth and fifth seasons,[5][6] along with spinoff Takamiya Nasuno Desu! ("I am Nasuno Takamiya"), are produced by Millepensee.[7][8] The fourth season and spinoff both aired from April 6 to June 22, 2015. The fifth season of Teekyu aired from July 6, 2015 to September 21, 2015. The sixth season aired from October 5, 2015 to December 21, 2015.[9] The anime has been renewed for a 7th season in January 2016.[10] Season 8 of Teekyū ran from on October 5, 2016 to December 21, 2016.[11] A 9th season has been announced[12] and aired from July to September 2017.
All seasons aired on Tokyo MX and AT-X with the third and later seasons also airing on Sun Television and the first one streamed on Niconico. All seasons have also been simulcasted by Crunchyroll.[1][2][3][13] The first season was released on Blu-ray Disc and DVD on February 22, 2013.[14][15] The second and third seasons were released on Blu-ray Disc on October 25, 2013, and January 24, 2014, respectively, along with two OVA episodes each.[16][17] The fourth season and the Takamiya Nasuno Desu! spinoff were released on Blu-ray Disc on August 28, 2015,[18][19] with the fifth season released on Blu-Ray disc on November 27, 2015.[20]