Tenkai Knights (テンカイナイト, Tenkai Naito) is a Canadian-Japanese anime series, produced by Shogakukan-Shueisha Productions, Spin Master and TV Tokyo and animated by Bones. The anime revolves around four teenage humans named Guren, Ceylan, Toxsa, and Chooki, who find an interdimensional portal to Quarton where they are chosen by the Guardians to become the new generation of Tenkai Knights and prevent Vilius from taking control of both worlds.
The anime first aired in both the United States and Canada through Cartoon Network and Teletoon on August 24, 2013. It was later aired in Japan on TV Tokyo beginning April 5, 2014.
Four theme songs are used for the series: one opening theme and four closing themes. The opening theme is "Get the Glory" by Ayako Nakanomori. The first ending theme is "Shunkan Diamond" (瞬間Diamond, lit. "Diamond Moment") by Rurika Yokoyama, while the second ending is "Shōri no Hanataba o -gonna gonna be hot!-" (勝利の花束を -gonna gonna be hot!-, lit. "Victory Bouquet -gonna gonna be hot!-") by Cyntia. The third ending, "Densetsu no FLARE" (伝説のFLARE, lit. "Legendary Flare"), is sung by Pile. The fourth ending, "Tokenai CANDY" (溶けないCANDY, lit. "Unmelting Candy"), is sung by Gacharic Spin.