List of The Powerpuff Girls video games

North American box art of The Powerpuff Girls: Bad Mojo Jojo

The Powerpuff Girls video games are a series of action and platformer games based on Cartoon Network's animated series, The Powerpuff Girls. They were published by BAM! Entertainment and distributed by Cartoon Network Interactive and Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. Nintendo Game Boy and Game Boy Advance games include Bad Mojo Jojo, Paint the Townsville Green, Battle HIM, HIM and Seek, Mojo Jojo A-Go-Go, and the Powerpuff Girls Z game Game de Demashita! Powerpuff Girls Z. Console games include Chemical X-Traction for the Nintendo 64 and PlayStation and Relish Rampage for GameCube and PlayStation 2. Microsoft Windows games include Mojo Jojo's Clone Zone, Gamesville, Princess Snorebucks, Mojo Jojo's Pet Project, and Defenders of Townsville.

The Powerpuff Girls have also been featured in the Cartoon Network games Cartoon Network Racing for PlayStation 2 and Nintendo DS, the massively multiplayer online game Cartoon Network Universe: FusionFall, and Cartoon Network: Punch Time Explosion/XL for Nintendo 3DS, Wii, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3.